1 Perpendicular lines

One form for the equation of a straight line is

y = m x + c

where m and c are constants. We remember that m is the gradient of the line and its value is the tangent of the angle θ that the line makes with the positive x -axis. The constant c is the value obtained where the line intersects the y -axis. See Figure 1:

Figure 1

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If we have a second line, with equation

y = n x + d

then, unless m = n , the two lines will intersect at one point. These are drawn together in Figure 2. The second line makes an angle ψ with the positive x -axis.

Figure 2

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A simple question to ask is “what is the relation between m and n if the lines are perpendicular?” If the lines are perpendicular, as shown in Figure 3, the angles θ and ψ must satisfy the relation:

ψ θ = 9 0

Figure 3

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This is true since the angles in a triangle add up to 18 0 . According to the figure the three angles are 9 0 , θ and 18 0 ψ . Therefore

18 0 = 9 0 + θ + ( 18 0 ψ ) implying ψ θ = 9 0

In this special case that the lines are perpendicular or normal to each other the relation between the gradients m and n is easily obtained. In this deduction we use the following basic trigonometric relations and identities:

sin ( A B ) sin A cos B cos A sin B cos ( A B ) cos A cos B + sin A sin B

tan A sin A cos A sin 9 0 = 1 cos 9 0 = 0


m = tan θ = tan ( ψ 9 0 o ) (see Figure 3) = sin ( ψ 9 0 o ) cos ( ψ 9 0 o ) = cos ψ sin ψ = 1 tan ψ = 1 n So m n = 1
Key Point 1

Two straight lines y = m x + c , y = n x + d are perpendicular if

m = 1 n or equivalently m n = 1
This result assumes that neither of the lines are parallel to the x -axis or to the y -axis, as in such cases one gradient will be zero and the other infinite.

Which of the following pairs of lines are perpendicular?

  1. y = x + 1 , y = x + 1
  2. y + x 1 = 0 , y + x 2 = 0
  3. 2 y = 8 x + 3 , y = 0.25 x 1
  1. perpendicular
  2. not perpendicular
  3. perpendicular