3 Rounding to decimal places
In general, a calculator or computer is unable to store every decimal place of a real number. Real numbers are rounded . To round a number to decimal places we look at the digit in the decimal expansion of the number.
- If the digit is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 then we round down : that is, we simply chop to places. (In other words we neglect the digit and any digits to its right.)
- If the digit is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 then we round up : we add to the decimal place and then chop to places.
For example
Sometimes the phrase ‘decimal places’ is abbreviated to ‘d.p.’ or ‘dec.pl.’.
Example 2
Write down each of these numbers rounded to 4 decimal places:
, , , , ,
Write down each of these numbers, rounded to 3 decimal places:
, , , , ,