1 Numerical determination of eigenvalues and eigenvectors

1.1 Preliminaries

Before discussing numerical methods of calculating eigenvalues and eigenvectors we remind you of three results for a matrix A with an eigenvalue λ and associated eigenvector X .


The matrix A = 2 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 5 has eigenvalues λ = 5 , 3 , 1 with associated eigenvectors 1 2 1 2 1 , 1 1 0 , 1 1 0 respectively.

The inverse A 1 exists and is A 1 = 1 3 2 1 5 1 2 5 0 0 3 5

Without further calculation write down the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the following matrices:

  1. A 1
  2. 3 1 1 1 3 1 0 0 6
  3. 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 3 1
  1. The eigenvalues of A 1 are 1 5 , 1 3 , 1 . (Notice that the dominant eigenvalue of A yields the

    smallest magnitude eigenvalue of A 1 .)

  2. The matrix here is A + I . Thus its eigenvalues are the same as those of A increased by 1 i.e.

    6 , 4 , 2 .

  3. The matrix here is ( A 2 I ) 1 . Thus its eigenvalues are the reciprocals of the eigenvalues of

    ( A 2 I ) . The latter has eigenvalues 3 , 1 , 1 so ( A 2 I ) 1 has eigenvalues 1 3 , 1 , 1 .

    In each of the above cases the eigenvectors are the same as those of the original matrix A .

1.2 The power method

This is a direct iteration method for obtaining the dominant eigenvalue (i.e. the largest in magnitude), say λ 1 , for a given matrix A and also the corresponding eigenvector.

We will not discuss the theory behind the method but will demonstrate it in action and, equally importantly, point out circumstances when it fails .


Let A = 4 2 5 7 . By solving det ( A λ I ) = 0 obtain the eigenvalues of A and also obtain the eigenvector associated with the dominant eigenvalue.

det ( A λ I ) = 4 λ 2 5 7 λ = 0

which gives

λ 2 11 λ + 18 = 0 ( λ 9 ) ( λ 2 ) = 0


λ 1 = 9 (  the dominant eigenvalue )  and λ 2 = 2.

The eigenvector X = x y for λ 1 = 9 is obtained as usual by solving A X = 9 X , so

4 2 5 7 x y = 9 x 9 y from which 5 x = 2 y   so   X = 2 5 or any multiple.

If we normalize here such that the largest component of X is 1

X = 0.4 1

We shall now demonstrate how the power method can be used to obtain λ 1 = 9 and X = 0.4 1 where A = 4 2 5 7 .


Continue this process for a further step and obtain X ( 3 ) and Y ( 3 ) , quoting values to 6 d.p.

X ( 3 ) = A Y ( 2 ) = 4 2 5 7 0.421053 1 = 3.684210 9.105265

Y ( 3 ) = 1 9.105265 0.404624 1

The first 8 steps of the above iterative process are summarized in the following table (the first three rows of which have been obtained above):

Table 1

Step r X 1 ( r ) X 2 ( r ) α r Y 1 ( r ) Y 2 ( r )
1 6 12 12 0.5 1
2 4 9.5 9.5 0.421053 1
3 3.684211 9.105265 9.105265 0.404624 1
4 3.618497 9.023121 9.023121 0.401025 1
5 3.604100 9.005125 9.005125 0.400228 1
6 3.600911 9.001138 9.001138 0.400051 1
7 3.600202 9.000253 9.000253 0.400011 1
8 3.600045 9.000056 9.000056 0.400002 1

In Table 1, α r refers to the largest magnitude component of X ( r ) which is used to normalize X ( r ) to give Y ( r ) . We can see that α r is converging to 9 which we know is the dominant eigenvalue λ 1 of A . Also Y ( r ) is converging towards the associated eigenvector [ 0.4 , 1 ] T .

Depending on the accuracy required, we could decide when to stop the iterative process by looking at the difference α r α r 1 at each step.


Using the power method obtain the dominant eigenvalue and associated

eigenvector of

A = 3 1 0 2 4 3 0 1 1 using a starting column vector X ( 0 ) = 1 1 1

Calculate X ( 1 ) , Y ( 1 ) and α 1 :

X ( 1 ) = A X ( 0 ) = 3 1 0 2 4 3 0 1 1 1 1 1 = 2 1 0

so Y ( 1 ) = 1 2 1 0.5 0 using α 1 = 2 , the largest magnitude component of X ( 1 ) .

Carry out the next two steps of this iteration to obtains X ( 2 ) , Y ( 2 ) , α 2 and X ( 3 ) , Y ( 3 ) , α 3 :

X ( 2 ) = 3 1 0 2 4 3 0 1 1 1 0.5 0 = 3.5 4 0.5 Y ( 2 ) = 1 4 0.875 1 0.125 α 2 = 4 X ( 3 ) = 3 1 0 2 4 3 0 1 1 0.875 1 0.125 = 3.625 6.125 1.125 Y ( 3 ) = 1 6.125 0.5918 1 0.1837 α 3 = 6.125

After just 3 iterations there is little sign of convergence of the normalizing factor α r . However the next two values obtained are

α 4 = 5.7347 α 5 = 5.4774

and, after 14 iterations, α 14 α 13 < 0.0001 and the power method converges, albeit slowly, to

α 14 = 5.4773

which (correct to 4 d.p.) is the dominant eigenvalue of A . The corresponding eigenvector is

0.4037 1 0.2233

It is clear that the power method requires, for its practical execution, a computer.

1.3 Problems with the power method

  1. If the initial column vector X ( 0 ) is an eigenvector of A other than that corresponding to the dominant eigenvalue, say λ 1 , then the method will fail since the iteration will converge to the wrong eigenvalue, say λ 2 , after only one iteration (because A X ( 0 ) = λ 2 X ( 0 ) in this case).
  2. It is possible to show that the speed of convergence of the power method depends on the ratio

     magnitude of dominant eigenvalue λ 1  magnitude of next largest eigenvalue

    If this ratio is small the method is slow to converge.

    In particular, if the dominant eigenvalue λ 1 is complex the method will fail completely to converge because the complex conjugate λ ¯ 1 will also be an eigenvalue and | λ 1 | = | λ ¯ 1 |

  3. The power method only gives one eigenvalue, the dominant one λ 1 (although this is often the most important in applications).

1.4 Advantages of the power method

  1. It is simple and easy to implement.
  2. It gives the eigenvector corresponding to λ 1 as well as λ 1 itself. (Other numerical methods require separate calculation to obtain the eigenvector.)

1.5 Finding eigenvalues other than the dominant

We discuss this topic only briefly.

1.5.1 Obtaining the smallest magnitude eigenvalue

If A has dominant eigenvalue λ 1 then its inverse A 1 has an eigenvalue 1 λ 1 (as we discussed at the beginning of this Section.) Clearly 1 λ 1 will be the smallest magnitude eigenvalue of A 1 . Conversely if we obtain the largest magnitude eigenvalue, say λ 1 , of A 1 by the power method then the smallest eigenvalue of A is the reciprocal, 1 λ 1 .

This technique is called the inverse power method .


If A = 3 1 0 2 4 3 0 1 1 then the inverse is A 1 = 1 1 3 2 3 9 2 3 10 .

Using X ( 0 ) = 1 1 1 in the power method applied to A 1 gives λ 1 = 13.4090 . Hence the smallest magnitude eigenvalue of A is 1 13.4090 = 0.0746 . The corresponding eigenvector is 0.3163 0.9254 1 .

In practice, finding the inverse of a large order matrix A can be expensive in computational effort. Hence the inverse power method is implemented without actually obtaining A 1 as follows.

As we have seen, the power method applied to A utilizes the scheme:

X ( r ) = A Y ( r 1 ) r = 1 , 2 ,

where Y ( r 1 ) = 1 α r 1 X ( r 1 ) ,   α r 1 being the largest magnitude component of X ( r 1 ) .

For the inverse power method we have

X ( r ) = A 1 Y ( r 1 )

which can be re-written as

A X ( r ) = Y ( r 1 )

Thus X ( r ) can actually be obtained by solving this system of linear equations without needing to obtain A 1 . This is usually done by a technique called L U decomposition i.e. writing A (once and for all) in the form

A = L U L being a lower triangular matrix and U upper triangular.

1.5.2 Obtaining the eigenvalue closest to a given number p

Suppose λ k is the (unknown) eigenvalue of A closest to p . We know that if λ 1 , λ 2 , , λ n are the eigenvalues of A then λ 1 p , λ 2 p , , λ n p are the eigenvalues of the matrix A p I . Then λ k p will be the smallest magnitude eigenvalue of A p I but 1 λ k p will be the largest magnitude eigenvalue of ( A p I ) 1 . Hence if we apply the power method to ( A p I ) 1 we can obtain λ k . The method is called the shifted inverse power method.

1.5.3 Obtaining all the eigenvalues of a large order matrix

In this case neither solving the characteristic equation det ( A λ I ) = 0 nor the power method (and its variants) is efficient.

The commonest method utilized is called the QR technique . This technique is based on similarity transformations i.e. transformations of the form

B = M 1 A M

where B has the same eigenvalues as A . (We have seen earlier in this Workbook that one type of similarity transformation is D = P 1 A P where P is formed from the eigenvectors of A . However, we are now, of course, dealing with the situation where we are trying to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A .)

In the Q R method A is reduced to upper (or lower) triangular form. We have already seen that a triangular matrix has its eigenvalues on the diagonal.

For details of the Q R method, or more efficient techniques, one of which is based on what is called a Householder transformation, the reader should consult a text on numerical methods.