3 The modulus function

The modulus of a number is the size of that number with no regard paid to its sign. For example the modulus of 7 is 7. The modulus of + 7 is also 7. We can write this concisely using the modulus sign | | . So we can write | 7 | = 7 and | + 7 | = 7 . The modulus function is defined as follows:

Key Point 14

Modulus Function

The modulus function is defined as

f ( x ) = x = x x 0 x x < 0

The output from the function in Key Point 14 is simply the modulus of the input.

A graph of this function is shown in Figure 32.

Figure 32 :

{ Graph of the modulus function $|x|$}


Draw up a table of values of the function f ( x ) = x 2 for values of x between 3 and 5. Sketch a graph of this function.

  1. Sketch a graph of the following functions:
    1. f ( x ) = 3 | x | ,
    2. f ( x ) = | x + 1 | ,
    3. f ( x ) = 7 | x 3 | .
  2. Is the modulus function one-to-one or many-to-one?
  1. Many-to-one