4 Stability
There is a stability constraint that is common to many methods for obtaining numerical solutions of the wave equation. Issues relating to stability of numerical methods can be extremely complicated, but the following Key Point is enough for our purposes.
Key Point 25
The numerical method seen in this Section requires that
for solutions not to grow unrealistically with .
This is called the CFL condition (named after an acronym of three mathematicians Courant, Friedrichs and Lewy).
Suppose that
satisfies the wave equation
. It is given that
satisfies boundary conditions
and initial conditions that need not be stated for the purposes of this question. The application is such that the wave speed
The numerical methodwhere , is implemented using and .
Suppose that, after 7 time-steps, the following data forms part of the numerical solution:Carry out the next time-step so as to find an approximation to at .
Suppose that
satisfies the wave equation
. It is given that
satisfies boundary conditions
. The initial elevation may be summarised as
and the string is initially at rest (that is, ). The application is such that the wave speed .
Carry out the first two time-steps of the numerical methodwhere in which and .
In this case
and the required time-step is carried out as follows:
to 4 decimal places and these are the approximations to , , , and , respectively.
In this case
and the first time-step is carried out as follows:
to 4 decimal places.
The second time-step is as follows:
to 4 decimal places.