5 Solving polynomial equations graphically

Polynomial equations, particularly of high degree, are difficult to solve unless they take a particularly simple form. A useful guide to the approximate values of the solutions can be obtained by sketching the polynomial, and discovering where the curve crosses the x -axis. The real roots of the polynomial equation P ( x ) = 0 are given by the values of the intercepts of the function y = P ( x ) with the x -axis because on the x -axis y = P ( x ) , is zero. Computer software packages and graphics calculators exist which can be used for plotting graphs and hence for solving polynomial equations approximately. Suppose the graph of y = P ( x ) is plotted and takes a form similar to that shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 :

{A polynomial function which cuts the $x$ axis at points $x_1$, $x_2$ and $x_3$.}

The graph intersects the x axis at x = x 1 , x = x 2 and x = x 3 and so the equation P ( x ) = 0 has three roots x 1 , x 2 and x 3 , because P ( x 1 ) = 0 , P ( x 2 ) = 0 and P ( x 3 ) = 0 .

Example 26

Plot a graph of the function y = 4 x 4 15 x 2 + 5 x + 6 and hence approximately solve the equation 4 x 4 15 x 2 + 5 x + 6 = 0 .


The graph has been plotted here with the aid of a computer graph plotting package and is shown in Figure 7. By hand, a less accurate result would be produced, of course.

Figure 7 :

{ Graph of $y=4x^4-15x^2+5x+6$}

The solutions of the equation are found by looking for where the graph crosses the horizontal axis. Careful examination shows the solutions are at or close to x = 1 , x = 1.5 , x = 0.5 , x = 2 .

An important feature of the graph of a polynomial is that it is continuous . There are never any gaps or jumps in the curve. Polynomial curves never turn back on themselves in the horizontal direction, (unlike a circle). By studying the graph in Figure 6 you will see that if we choose any two values of x , say a and b , such that y ( a ) and y ( b ) have opposite signs, then at least one root lies between x = a and x = b .

  1. Factorise x 3 x 2 65 x 63 given that ( x + 7 ) is a factor.
  2. Show that x = 1 is a root of x 3 + 11 x 2 + 31 x + 21 = 0 and locate the other roots algebraically.
  3. Show that x = 2 is a root of x 3 3 x 2 = 0 and locate the other roots.
  4. Solve the equation x 4 2 x 2 + 1 = 0 .
  5. Factorise x 4 7 x 3 + 3 x 2 + 31 x + 20 given that ( x + 1 ) is a factor.
  6. Given that two of the roots of x 4 + 3 x 3 7 x 2 27 x 18 = 0 have the same modulus but different sign, solve the equation.

    (Hint - let two of the roots be α and α and use the technique of equating coefficients).

  7. Consider the polynomial P ( x ) = 5 x 3 47 x 2 + 84 x . By evaluating P ( 2 ) and P ( 3 ) show that at least one root of P ( x ) = 0 lies between x = 2 and x = 3 .
  8. Without solving the equation or using a graphical calculator, show that x 4 + 4 x 1 = 0 has a root between x = 0 and x = 1 .
  1. ( x + 7 ) ( x + 1 ) ( x 9 )
  2. x = 1 , 3 , 7
  3. x = 2 , 1 (repeated)
  4. x = 1 , 1 (each root repeated)
  5. ( x + 1 ) 2 ( x 4 ) ( x 5 )
  6. ( x + 3 ) ( x 3 ) ( x + 1 ) ( x + 2 )