3 Parabolas and optimisation

Because the vertex may represent a highest or lowest point, a quadratic function may be the appropriate type of function to choose in a modelling problem where a maximum or a minimum is involved (optimisation problems for example). Consider the problem of working out the selling price for the product of a cottage industry that would maximise the profit, given certain details of costs and assumptions about market behaviour. A possible function relating profit ( £ M ) to selling price ( £ P ) , is

M = 10 P 2 + 320 P 2420 ( 12 P 20 ) .

Note that this is a quadratic function. By comparing this function with the form y = a x 2 + b x + c it is possible to decide whether the corresponding parabola that would result from graphing M against P , would open upwards or downwards. Here M corresponds to y and P to x . The coefficient corresponding to a in the general form is 10 . This is negative, so the resulting parabola will open downwards. In other words it will have a highest point or maximum for some value of P . This is comforting in the context of an optimisation problem! We can go further in specifying the resulting parabola by reference to the other general form: y C = A ( x B ) 2 . If we multiply out the bracket on the right hand side we get (as seen at the beginning of HELM booklet  5.2)

y C = A x 2 2 A B x + A B 2


y = A x 2 2 A B x + A B 2 + C .

Comparing this general form with the function relating profit and price for the cottage industry:

y = A x 2 2 A B x + A B 2 + C

M = 10 P 2 + 320 P 2420

Using the equivalances suggested by the arrows, we see that

A = 10 ,

2 A B = 320

A B 2 + C = 2420.

These are three equations for three unknowns. Putting A = 10 in the second equation gives B = 16. Putting A = 10 and B = 16 in the third equation gives

2560 + C = 2420 ,

and so

C = 140.

This means that the equation for M may also be written in the form

M 140 = 10 ( P 16 ) 2 ,

corresponding to the general form y C = A ( x B ) 2 . In the general form, C corresponds to the value of y at the vertex of the parabola. Since y in the general form corresponds to M in the current modelling context, we deduce that M = 140 at the highest point on the parabola. B represents the value of x at the lowest or highest point of the general parabola. Here x corresponds to P , so we deduce thet P = 16 at the vertex of the parabola corresponding to the function relating profit and price. These deductions mean that a maximum profit of £ 140 is obtained when the selling price is £ 16 .