4 Changing base in logarithms
It is sometimes required to express the logarithm with respect to one base in terms of a logarithm with respect to another base.
where we have used logs to base . What happens if, for some reason, we want to use another base, say? We take logs (to base ) of both sides of :
This is the rule to be used when converting logarithms from one base to another.
For base 10 logs:
For example,
(Check, on your calculator, that ).
For natural logs:
For example,
Of course, cannot be determined directly on your calculator since logs to base 3 are not available but it can be found using the above method.
Use your calculator to determine the value of using first base 10 then check using base .
Re-express using base 10 then base :
Example 5
Simplify the expression .
Let then take logs (to base 10) of both sides:
where we have used: . However, since we are using logs to base 10 then and so
Therefore, finally we conclude that
This is an important result true for logarithms of any base. It follows from the basic definition of the logarithm.
Key Point 10
Find the values of
- .
- .
- .
- 3
- 1.41096
- ,
- or ,
- ,