Learn Maths
sigma Network MASH

Learning Modes

So how do you prefer to learn?

This test helps you investigate what methods you like to use when learning. The methods identified are
Visual - learn best using diagrams and charts
Auditory - learn best when you hear something or discuss it
Reading/Writing - learn best by using written words
Kinaesthetic - learn best using movement and touch

In each section there will be several questions, each with a number of options which you need to put in the order of which seems most like you, or the order in which you would try each method. Try not to choose an option simply because it takes less time or less work.

Do this by marking your first choice in the column labelled '1', and work down to your last choice. Even if the questions don't seem relevant, try to think about what you would do in that situation.

I remember best by...
preference:   1    2   3   4  

summarising information in a chart or diagram

telling someone else the information

writing out a short summary and reading it again

writing out the information repeatedly

I prefer to find out the news by...
preference:   1    2  

listening to the radio

reading a newspaper

When I have a problem with the computer I...
preference:   1    2   3   4  

keep trying everything I can think of and only seek help as a last resort

seek out diagrams or pictures to show me what to do

phone someone and ask them to talk me through the solution

read the help files or look for written instructions

When trying to decide between two spellings of a word (e.g. 'compatible' or 'compatable') I...
preference:   1    2   3  

start writing the word and see which way feels more natural

sound each option out in my head and see which fits best

write down both options and decide which is best
When trying to remember a telephone number I am more likely to...
preference:   1    2   3   4  

visualise the pattern of the numbers

see the actual numbers in my head

hear the phone number in my head

remember where my finger needs to go next

When operating a new piece of equipment for the first time I prefer to...
preference:   1    2   3   4  

use diagrams which show how to use it

have someone explain (in words) how to use it

have someone show me how to use it

read written instructions explaining how to use it

When I was younger, I enjoyed...
preference:   1    2   3  

reading books

physical games and activities

solving jigsaw puzzles
When someone is giving me directions, I prefer them to...
preference:   1    2   3  

write down instructions

draw me a map

tell me how to get there
When teaching someone to do something I am more likely to...
preference:   1    2   3   4  

write a short set of instructions or list simple steps

explain in different ways until they understand

show them what I mean, using diagrams if possible

encourage them to have a go, and assist them if necessary

When I try to remember details of something that has happened I...
preference:   1    2   3  

picture it in my head

think about what I heard or what was said

think about what I was doing at the time
If I bought a new gadget, I would like to...
preference:   1    2   3   4  

read a description of each of its features

see diagrams showing its features

have someone tell me about its features

have someone use the device to show me its features

If someone doesn't understand something I've said I'm more likely to...
preference:   1    2   3  

use diagrams to try to explain (if possible)

rephrase my explanation until they understand

use my hands to try to explain, or if that fails start waving my arms around
When trying to find information in a textbook I start by...
preference:   1    2  

looking for a relevant diagram or picture

skim-reading the text to find the bit I want

I remember the storyline better after...
preference:   1    2  

watching the film

reading the book