Learn Maths
sigma Network MASH

Some ideas

The following ideas might help with your individual learning. You might like to start by trying ideas for your preferred learning mode (see the Learning Modes section), but you will learn best if you use a mixture of learning modes.





Look back over any previous mathematical concepts involved
Read/Write read notes, write a list of any important points
Visual review any diagrams, or put information in a 'concept map'
Auditory discuss the concepts with a fellow student, and ask any questions in a tutorial
Kinaesthetic make a concept map using seperate revision cards linked by string
Identify key words and concepts
Read/Write use bullet points to list the key ideas, and write a sentence or two expanding on the detail of each; explain any diagrams or symbols in words
Visual add the key words to a concept map, and study any diagrams used in the lecture to see how they show the key concepts
Auditory discuss with fellow students which the key concepts are, and why they are important
Kinaesthetic look for ways to make 2D or 3D models demonstrating key ideas and concepts
Use some examples to try to figure out what's going on
Visual try drawing a diagram or graph showing the example, and look for ways to show different aspects of the definition (e.g. special cases, how it breaks down when assumptions are not met)
Read/Write compare examples with the definition. If the examples follow a process, make a list of the different steps involved. Write down any similarities and differences between examples
Kinaesthetic work through any examples yourself - use your notes, but try the example yourself rather than just copying it out. It may also be possible to find/create interactive diagrams of the examples e.g. which show how changing a variable changes the example
Auditory work in a group to discuss examples and work through them. Try to get ideas from each other and use notes when you get stuck
Try a variety of problems to help you think about different applications of the concept
Kinaesthetic try as many problems as you can. Looking at similar examples might help you identify how you need to go about answering a question
Read/Write annotate your work at the side of the page explaining fully why you've made each step
Visual try to find any diagrams which will help you answer the questions. Looking at diagrams for similar examples may help
Auditory if possible, work in a group to discuss ideas for some of the questions. Make sure you get experience of trying some of the problems on your own, as it can be easy to rely on other students' knowledge and understanding

    These examples use Geogebra which is free to use.

    • Interactive diagram: modifying a sequence

    • Interactive diagram: the effect on N of changing ε