3 Inversion of the Fourier transform

Formal inversion of the Fourier transform, i.e. finding [maths rendering] for a given [maths rendering] , is sometimes possible using the inversion integral (4). However, in elementary cases, we can use a Table of standard Fourier transforms together, if necessary, with the appropriate properties of the Fourier transform.

The following Examples and Tasks involve such inversion.

Example 3

Find the inverse Fourier transform of   [maths rendering]


The appearance of the sine function implies that [maths rendering] is a symmetric rectangular pulse.

We know the standard form   [maths rendering]  or   [maths rendering]

Putting [maths rendering]   [maths rendering]  Thus, by the linearity property

[maths rendering]

Figure 4

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Example 4

Find the inverse Fourier transform of  [maths rendering]


The occurrence of the complex exponential factor in the Fourier transform suggests the time-shift property with the time shift [maths rendering] (i.e. a right shift).

From Example 3

[maths rendering] so [maths rendering]

Figure 5

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Find the inverse Fourier transform of

[maths rendering]

Firstly ignore the exponential factor and find the inverse Fourier transform of the remaining terms:

We use the result: [maths rendering]

[maths rendering]

Now take account of the exponential factor:

Using the time-shift theorem for [maths rendering]

[maths rendering]

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Example 5

Find the inverse Fourier transform of

[maths rendering]


The presence of the term [maths rendering] instead of [maths rendering] suggests the frequency shift property.

Hence, we consider first

[maths rendering]

The relevant standard form is

[maths rendering]

Hence, writing [maths rendering] [maths rendering]

Then, by the frequency shift property with [maths rendering]

Here [maths rendering] is a complex time-domain signal.


Find the inverse Fourier transforms of

  1. [maths rendering]
  2. [maths rendering]
  1. Using the frequency shift property with [maths rendering]

    [maths rendering]

  2. Using the time shift property with [maths rendering]

    [maths rendering]

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