4 Solving right-angled triangles

Solving right-angled triangles means obtaining the values of all the angles and all the sides of a given right-angled triangle using the trigonometric functions (and, if necessary, the inverse trigonometric functions) and perhaps Pythagoras’ theorem.

There are three cases to be considered:

Case 1 Given the hypotenuse and an angle

We use sin or cos as appropriate:

Figure 12

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Assuming h and θ in Figure 12 are given then

cos θ = x h which gives x = h cos θ

from which x can be calculated.


sin θ = y h so y = h sin θ which enables us to calculate y .

Clearly the third angle of this triangle (at B ) is 9 0 θ .

Case 2 Given a side other than the hypotenuse and an angle .

We use tan :

(a) If x and θ are known then, in Figure 12, tan θ = y x so y = x tan θ

which enables us to calculate y .

(b) If y and θ are known then tan θ = y x gives x = y tan θ from which x can be calculated.

Then the hypotenuse can be calculated using Pythagoras’ theorem: h = x 2 + y 2

Case 3 Given two of the sides

We use tan 1 or sin 1 or cos 1 :


Figure 13

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Figure 14

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Figure 15

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Note: since two sides are given we can use Pythagoras’ theorem to obtain the length of the third side at the outset.