2 General definitions of trigonometric functions

We now define the trigonometric functions in a more general way than in terms of ratios of sides of a right-angled triangle. To do this we consider a circle of unit radius whose centre is at the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system and an arrow (or radius vector ) O P from the centre to a point P on the circumference of this circle. We are interested in the angle θ that the arrow makes with the positive x -axis. See Figure 20.

Figure 20

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Imagine that the vector O P rotates in anti-clockwise direction . With this sense of rotation the angle θ is taken as positive whereas a clockwise rotation is taken as negative. See examples in Figure 21.

Figure 21

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2.1 The sine and cosine of an angle

For 0 θ π 2 (called the first quadrant) we have the following situation with our unit radius circle. See Figure 22.

Figure 22

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The projection of O P along the positive x axis is O Q . But, in the right-angled triangle O P Q

cos θ = O Q O P or O Q = O P cos θ

and since O P has unit length cos θ = O Q ( 3 )

Similarly in this right-angled triangle

sin θ = P Q O P or P Q = O P sin θ

but P Q = O R and O P has unit length

so sin θ = O R ( 4 )

Equation (3) tells us that we can interpret cos θ as the projection of O P along the positive x -axis and sin θ as the projection of O P along the positive y -axis .

We shall use these interpretations as the definitions of sin θ and cos θ for any values of θ .

Key Point 7

For a radius vector O P of a circle of unit radius making an angle θ with the positive x axis

cos θ = projection of O P along the positive x axis

sin θ = projection of O P along the positive y axis

2.2 Sine and cosine in the four quadrants

First quadrant ( 0 θ 9 0 )

Figure 23

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It follows from Figure 23 that cos θ decreases from 1 to 0 as O P rotates from the horizontal position to the vertical, i.e. as θ increases from 0 to 9 0 .

sin θ = O R increases from 0 (when θ = 0 ) to 1 (when θ = 9 0 ).

Second quadrant ( 9 0 θ 18 0 )

Referring to Figure 24, remember that it is the projections along the positive x and y axes that are used to define cos θ and sin θ respectively. It follows that as θ increases from 9 0 to 18 0 , cos θ decreases from 0 to 1 and sin θ decreases from 1 to 0.

Figure 24

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Considering for example an angle of 13 5 , referring to Figure 25, by symmetry we have:

sin 13 5 = O R = sin 4 5 = 1 2 cos 13 5 = O Q 2 = O Q 1 = cos 4 5 = 1 2

Figure 25

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Key Point 8

sin ( 180 x ) sin x and cos ( 180 x ) cos x


Without using a calculator write down the values of

sin 12 0 , sin 15 0 , cos 12 0 , cos 15 0 , tan 12 0 , tan 15 0 .

(Note that tan θ sin θ cos θ for any value of θ .)

sin 12 0 = sin ( 180 60 ) = sin 6 0 = 3 2

sin 15 0 = sin ( 180 30 ) = sin 3 0 = 1 2

cos 12 0 = cos 60 = 1 2

cos 15 0 = cos 3 0 = 3 2

tan 12 0 = 3 2 1 2 = 3

tan 15 0 = 1 2 3 2 = 1 3

Third quadrant ( 18 0 θ 27 0 ) .

Figure 26

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Using the projection definition write down the values of cos 27 0 and sin 27 0 .

cos 27 0 = 0   ( O P has zero projection along the positive x axis)

sin 27 0 = 1 ( O P is directed along the negative axis)

Thus in the third quadrant, as θ increases from 18 0 to 27 0 so cos θ increases from 1 to 0 whereas sin θ decreases from 0 to 1.

From the results of the last Task, with θ = 18 0 + x (see Figure 27) we obtain for all x the relations:

sin θ = sin ( 180 + x ) = O R = O R = sin x cos θ = cos ( 180 + x ) = O Q = O Q = cos x

Hence tan ( 180 + x ) = sin ( 18 0 + x ) cos ( 18 0 + x ) = sin x cos x = + tan x for all x .

Figure 27 :

{$theta= 180^{circ}+ x$}

Key Point 9
sin ( 180 + x ) sin x cos ( 180 + x ) cos x tan ( 180 + x ) + tan x

Fourth quadrant ( 27 0 θ 36 0 )

Figure 28

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From Figure 28 the results in Key Point 10 should be clear.

Key Point 10
cos ( x ) cos x sin ( x ) sin x tan ( x ) tan x .

Write down (without using a calculator) the values of

sin 30 0 , sin ( 6 0 ) , cos 33 0 , cos ( 3 0 ) .

Describe the behaviour of cos θ and sin θ as θ increases from 27 0 to 36 0 .

sin 30 0 = sin 6 0 = 3 2 cos 33 0 = cos 3 0 = 3 2 sin ( 6 0 ) = sin 6 0 = 3 2 cos ( 3 0 ) = cos 3 0 = 3 2

cos θ increases from 0 to 1 and sin θ increases from 1 to 0 as θ increases from 27 0 to 36 0 .

Rotation beyond the fourth quadrant ( 36 0 < θ )

If the vector O P continues to rotate around the circle of unit radius then in the next complete rotation θ increases from 36 0 to 72 0 . However, a θ value of, say, 40 5 is indistinguishable from one of 4 5 (just one extra complete revolution is involved).

So sin ( 40 5 ) = sin 4 5 = 1 2 and cos ( 40 5 ) = cos 4 5 = 1 2

In general sin ( 36 0 + x ) = sin x , cos ( 36 0 + x ) = cos x

Key Point 11

If n is any integer sin ( x + 360 n ) sin x cos ( x + 360 n ) cos x

or, since  36 0 2 π radians, sin ( x + 2 n π ) sin x cos ( x + 2 n π ) = cos x

We say that the functions sin x and cos x are periodic with period (in radian measure) of 2 π .