3 Resolving one vector along another

The scalar product can be used to find the component of a vector in the direction of another vector. Consider Figure 32 which shows two arbitrary vectors a ̲ and n ̲ . Let n ̂ ̲ be a unit vector in the direction of n ̲ .

Figure 32

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Study the figure carefully and note that a perpendicular has been drawn from P to meet n ̲ at Q . The distance O Q is called the projection of a ̲ onto n ̲ . Simple trigonometry tells us that the length of the projection is a ̲ cos θ . Now by taking the scalar product of a ̲ with the unit vector n ̂ ̲ we find

a ̲ n ̂ ̲ = | a ̲ | | n ̲ ̂ | cos θ = | a ̲ | cos θ ( since  | n ̂ ̲ | = 1 )

We conclude that

Key Point 15

Resolving One Vector Along Another

a ̲ n ̂ ̲ is the component of  a ̲  in the direction of  n ̲
Example 13

Figure 33 shows a plane containing the point A which has position vector a ̲ . The vector n ̂ ̲ is a unit vector perpendicular to the plane (such a vector is called a normal vector). Find an expression for the perpendicular distance, , of the plane from the origin.

Figure 33

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From the diagram we note that the perpendicular distance of the plane from the origin is the projection of a ̲ onto n ̂ ̲ and, using Key Point 15, is thus a ̲ n ̲ ̂ .